Wednesday, 2 October 2013

10 million by 2020!

A Note from Jon...

Last week I attended the first ever Leaders Summit for Awana in Chicago. The Summit brought together Awana country directors from all over the world.  We spent the week talking about a new global goal for Awana and how to make it happen. Our goal is to reach 10 million children by 2020. What a huge dream that is! 

Currently we are reaching about 2.5 million children every week, and it took us 60 years to get that far. Is it possible to reach so many more boys and girls in a significantly less amount of time?  For me, I saw it as a God problem right away. Only the Lord could do something like this. It's a goal that we can't do just by giving it our best - we need him! And that is the kind of goal and prayer that I think God is wanting us to bring to him. Let's keep praying big prayers and depend on our big God to fulfill these goals and dreams for Awana.

Jon Imbeau
Executive Director
Awana International Canada


What can you do to join Awana in this new goal? Start a new club? Support Awana missions internationally? Or simply tell others about the Awana program and invite them to join?

Above all, will you commit to pray for Awana and this new goal? Because it is only through God's work that it will ever come to pass. 

What are your thoughts about this goal? Let us know in the comments! 

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